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Design Singularity: Life Issues and Design Projects Production


內省思靜 is a signature life education course at St. Aloysius Technical School, where teachers use Alternative Learning Periods to guide students in reflecting on life issues and promoting awareness. Through three years of training, students gradually develop the ability to create meaning, which inspired me to design a special course centered around the theme of life.


#ORID Awareness Training

#Role Model Life Stories


#Project Production

截圖 2024-08-25 上午1.30.51.png


從威廉·莫里斯為平民創作的設計精神談起,接著介紹草間彌生如何透過藝術療癒自己,再到鈴木瑟文年少時為環境發聲,直至史蒂芬·史匹柏強調創作要忠於內心。 Starting with the design spirit of William Morris, who created for the common people, we then introduce how Yayoi Kusama uses art to heal herself, followed by how Steven Silverman raised his voice for the environment in his youth, and finally, Stephen Spielberg emphasizes the importance of being true to one's heart in creation.

內思多媒體設計科108級畢業成果展–設計奇異點·Singularity of Design|前導預告 trailer

內思多媒體設計科108級畢業成果展–設計奇異點·Singularity of Design|形象片 promotional video

內思多媒體設計科108級畢業成果展–設計奇異點·Singularity of Design|紀錄片documentary

Inner: Awareness

Outer: Natural and social environment

Aesthetic Expression: Multimedia design



These discussions prompted students to explore and create independently, with themes encompassing environmental care, interpersonal relationships, and self-healing. In their exhibition, students displayed sincerity and deep reflection. The main visual of the exhibited robot symbolizes the irreplaceability of each individual in the class, reminding me that society should also cherish every unique soul.

Graduation Exhibition of Multimedia Design Department


截圖 2024-09-24 下午9.16.38.png
截圖 2024-09-24 下午9.18.50.png
截圖 2024-09-24 下午9.27.42.png
截圖 2024-09-24 下午9.27.31.png
團體照_工作區域 1.JPEG

​九項展品| Exhibits


"Designing Singularities" is the graduation exhibition for the mentor class, integrating the school's life education curriculum. Through student creations centered on life stories, it responds to natural and social issues, expressing the deep connection between individuals and all living things.

為憂鬱症陪伴者開發心靈照護 App










"The purpose of education is to help a person become himself."

-Karl Jaspers

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