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Their Stories: Integrating Gender Equality Issues into Illustration Class



By sharing the life journeys of female artists, we reflect on the various obstacles faced by women in the pursuit of self-actualization. These obstacles not only stem from societal gender frameworks but also reflect the tension between freedom and responsibility that individuals experience.

Existentialism emphasizes that humans exist within this tension: we have the freedom to make choices, but we also bear the responsibility for the consequences of those choices.










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這門課程安排在三年級學生面臨升學壓力的時期。傳統教育常強調責任,難免引起青少年的抵觸。然而,若我們將讀書重新定義為一種通往自我實現的手段,強調其中的意義感,學生更容易找到內在動力。 This course is scheduled during the time when third-year students face the pressure of advancing to higher education. Traditional education often emphasizes responsibility, which can easily lead to resistance among adolescents. However, if we redefine studying as a means of self-actualization and emphasize its sense of meaning, students are more likely to find their inner motivation.

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​女性藝術家們 Women Artists

本課程將深入探討女性主義與藝術的交集,聚焦於四位傑出的女性藝術家:弗里達·卡羅(Frida Kahlo)、草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama)、瑪麗·羅蘭珊(Marie Laurencin)以及喬治亞·歐姬芙(Georgia O'Keeffe)。她們在各自的時代和文化背景中,以勇敢獨立的視角為藝術界注入了女性主義的力量。

This course will delve into the intersection of feminism and art, focusing on four outstanding female artists: Frida Kahlo, Yayoi Kusama, Marie Laurencin, and Georgia O'Keeffe. Each of them, within their respective eras and cultural contexts, has infused the art world with feminist strength through their courageous and independent perspectives.

鑑賞工具 Appreciation Tools


The goal of this course is to help students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of art through the ORID (Objective Observation, Reflective Feelings, Interpretive Insights, and Decisional Action) framework. The pace of the course is slow, allowing students to focus on a single artwork by an artist over two classes. This approach aims to cultivate not only students' reflective and expressive abilities in visual art appreciation but also to enhance their sensitivity to beauty and reverence for life.

Inner:Freedom accompanied by responsibility

Outer:Gender equality issues

Aesthetic Expression:Illustration


In class, we explore the limitations and struggles faced by female artists, and the 'success' they achieve through their unwavering beliefs. We do not focus solely on the final success but emphasize the challenging journeys they undertake in pursuit of their faith and self-identity. This approach gives historical figures a more multidimensional quality, serving as a mirror for students to reflect on their own situations.


2023/11/16 Jinou Girls High School


Frida Kahlo, 墨西哥 1907-1954

Frida Kahlo以其強烈的自畫像和象徵主義風格聞名,表達了個人的痛苦與身體的創傷。她的藝術對抗傳統的性別角色,並以對稱構圖和鮮明的色彩呈現出獨特的視覺語言。


Frida 的自畫像是真誠而無懼的表達,反映了她的內心世界。她提醒我們要敢於展示真正的自我,而不被社會對性別或美的標準所限制。

Frida Kahlo is renowned for her striking self-portraits and symbolic style, expressing personal pain and bodily trauma. Her art challenges traditional gender roles and presents a unique visual language through symmetrical compositions and vibrant colors.

Frida's self-portraits are a sincere and fearless expression that reflects her inner world. She reminds us to have the courage to show our true selves without being confined by societal standards of gender or beauty.

Yayoi Kusama,日本 1929-

Yayoi Kusama是普普藝術與前衛運動的代表人物,以其獨特的波點圖案和無限鏡像裝置而著名。


Yayoi Kusama長期面對精神疾病,但她從未停止創作,並將她的內心世界轉化為強烈的視覺作品。她教導我們即使在面對內心的困境時,也要堅持追求自己的熱情和夢想。

Yayoi Kusama is a representative figure of Pop Art and the avant-garde movement, known for her unique polka dot patterns and infinity mirror installations.

Despite facing mental illness for an extended period, Yayoi Kusama has never stopped creating, transforming her inner world into powerful visual works. She teaches us that even in the face of inner turmoil, we must persist in pursuing our passions and dreams.

Marie Laurencin, 法國 1883-1956

作為立體派畫家,Marie Laurencin的作品以柔和的調和色彩和獨特的女性視角著稱。她的創作常透過優雅的形式描繪女性的內心世界,並挑戰當時男性主導的藝術風格。


Marie Laurencin不隨立體派的主流風潮,反而發展出獨特的女性主義視角,她教導我們應該保持對自我信仰的堅定,即使與他人不合,也要相信自己的價值與觀點。

As a Cubist painter, Marie Laurencin is known for her soft, harmonious colors and unique feminine perspective. Her works often depict the inner world of women through elegant forms, challenging the male-dominated artistic style of her time.

Marie Laurencin does not conform to the mainstream trends of Cubism but instead develops a distinct feminist viewpoint. She teaches us to maintain a strong belief in ourselves, even when in disagreement with others, and to trust in our own values and perspectives.


Georgia O'Keeffe, 美國 1887-1986



O'Keeffe is a significant figure in the Modernist movement, and her artistic style blends natural landscapes with bodily imagery, often presenting the female body in symbolic forms and using unique rhythmic divisions to challenge traditional gender narratives.

Through her symbolic depictions of nature and the body, O'Keeffe teaches us to reconnect with nature amidst the busyness of modern life, allowing us to gain inspiration and inner peace.

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Write down three things you learned from Frida.











「very brave. independent. confident」







「1.confident 2.strong 3.hopeful」

「他是一個很堅強的女性、很會運用物品給予象徵的意義 、不要太愛一個人到讓自己受傷害」









"The purpose of education is to help a person become himself."

-Karl Jaspers

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